Dogs Dig It
Training & Services Ltd.
Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101
This course is designed to teach you the knowledge and skills to deal with a sick or injured dog until veterinary care is available. The topics are covered in-depth so that students have a thorough understanding of the principles of canine first aid. Since this is a very comprehensive course, we need your full attention and dogs do not come to class.
2023 classes...
All classes will be held on Saturdays from 9:30 - 5:00
March 25
June 24
September 23
Location to be determined
General Information
Hours: 8 hours
Maximum Students: 12
Prerequisite: None
Minimum Age: 14 years/10 years if parent also enrolled
Registration: $160
CEUs: see here
Registration closes one week prior to class date.
Minimum student requirement or class may be rescheduled. Funds will be refunded or credited towards next class.
** For those who are recertifying, contact us to see if you qualify for a discount **
You'll Learn How to:
prevent common injuries
conduct a head to tail assessment
tell if your dog is experiencing pain
recognize 4 signs of illness or injury
respond to any emergency in 4 easy steps
safely approach an injured dog
take your dog's vital signs and 3 other health tests
perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
perform artificial respiration
remove an airway obstruction (choking)
prevent and treat for shock
control deadly bleeding
respond to penetrating objects
prevent and treat eye injuries
prevent and treat abdominal wounds
recognize risk factors and respond to bloat
prevent and respond to drowning
assess and respond to bone and joint injuries
prevent and respond to poisonings
prevent and respond to frostbite and hypothermia
prevent and respond to heatstroke
treat minor burns
treat and manage wounds
Our Training Techniques
Dogsafe courses are designed to make complex topics more easily understood and we teach through seeing, listening, moving and doing, which improves knowledge retention. This means that you not only learn topics on course day, but are more likely to retain the information for the future when you'll need it. Effective, but fun too!
Our training techniques include:
hands-on learning
question & answer
and videos
Our Training Tools
We bring the learning to life with:
canine resuscitation manikins
plush demonstration dogs
first aid kits
even fake guts, eyeballs and more!
Dogsafe® Course Manual Included
DOGSAFE: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know in an Emergency, by Dogsafe creator, Michelle Sevigny is included with Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101 course registration ($18.95 retail value). The 116 page comprehensive manual includes 56 real-life photographs and is spiral bound for durability. The course training and reference manual is reviewed by veterinarians, including Dr. James Lawson, Chief Animal Health Officer of the BC SPCA.
Please check out the Dogsafe website for loads of information on canine safety, free downloads, and free community projects!